“But from the beginning of the creation, God made them male and female” (Mark 10:6). It is, to say the least, disingenuous and I believe dangerous for professed Christians to misiden tify Genesis as poetic and symbolic when Jesus clearly supported it as real history. There are no Hebrew poetic parallelisms as is common to books like the Psalms, Job, and Proverbs. Not only at the beginning of the creation of the world as we know and experience it, but who is the eternal uncaused Cause and living God from all eternity past. On the other hand, Christians have a true source of information about the history of this world which has been given to us by the One who was there from the beginning. This is what I mean by saying that “science tells us nothing.” Science has no voice of its own except those who give it a voice and a vocabulary according to their own very often biased interpreta tions. It is those who work in the fields of science that speak for it according to their own inter pretations. Science and its fallible and changeable discoveries change continually. We should note first of all that science tells us nothing. The main thing to know is that God created.”

Yet, there are professed Christians who would for example say, “Since science tells us the earth is 4.5 billion years old, and the universe even older, so the creation ac count in the Book of Genesis must be taken as symbol ic, figurative, allegorical or poetic. Us ing the biblical procedure of relying on the Bible as the true foundation of our search for truth, we conclude that we should never give scientific opinions a position of superior authority over God’s inerrant Word. Time-is that elusive quality we all experience and to which Einstein tried to explain mathematically.